AnnouncementsLocal Spotlight

LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Anomaly Music Collective

Announcing the Anomaly Music Collective, which will officially start debuting releases on March 1st, 2016! Started by local Seattle based DJ/Producers Spencer Stumpf aka Treyis, Chase Transeth aka Clifford, and Ramon Jones aka R0ME, Anomaly Music Collective is a Pacific Northwest based artist collective.

Listen to Volume 1, the first release from Anomaly:

Anomaly’s main goal is to:

“Create something that deviates from the standard or expected norm in music collaboration and promotion.

Anomaly members came up with the idea about six months ago, after wanting to make a difference while making music with a meaning:

We hit a point where we all decided that it was time for a change in where we were putting our efforts in and that we wanted our efforts to be have more meaning to the music community in the PNW. We are dedicating all of our time in this music community from here on to helping artists young and old develop into better musicians and collaborators.

Collectively Anomaly members have over 20+ years of nightlife and music promotion experience. Anomaly commences operations with approximately 30 PNW based music producers under their belt. Some of Emerald City EDM’s favorite local artists are members, including Kozmo, Ainslee, Eliminate, Enzo, Justin Hartinger and Mike.Ill; among others.

Anomaly’s goal in this is to improve the amount of collaboration amongst all music artists of all musical genres and styles – not just electronica:

We feel that electronic music is constantly evolving and we want to stay at the precipice of innovation. Through Anomaly we want to do something that has never been done before in this area of the country; that is, unite all musicians under one common goal; producing music that will span generational differences, that will tear down the walls of genre purists and challenge each individual artist to achieve greatness outside of their comfort zone.

In addition, Anomaly will be working with Andrew Luck, sound and technology specialist at the learning research organization foundry10 and Anomaly Music Collective artists, on a variety of educational events. Andrew has been working on a variety of projects with sponsorships from Ableton, Creative Live, Keith McMillen Instruments, Mackie and Izotope to provide in class tutorials/educational courses where kids can get hands on experience with production software and hardware that they may not have had access to before. foundry10 explores the advantages of digital music education in its charitable youth programs. Anomaly is currently working with Andrew on educational music production events that will be open to the public and you will hear more about those in the near future.

Anomaly has also partnered up with c89.5’s Keano Martinez to run the AnomalyPNW podcast where they will showcase their artists and other local talents that deserve the exposure.

Although our starting base of artists are mostly electronic music artists we are heavily encouraging artists from other musical facets to contact us. We want this to get to the point for example where an emerging violinist can work with a dubstep producer who is collaborating with a vocalist and a guitarist. The possibilities are endless. There is so much talent in the PNW and we want to unite us all. We also plan to release sample packs and kick back fund to those artists who contribute to them. There have been people who have had their doubts about this but we are pushing on to make this something that will be around for the next 20+ years. We want to be truly innovative and continue to help evolve music in the PNW.

Our goals for collaboration don’t just stop at music. In the very near future Anomaly will be collaborating with a variety of graphic designers as well to produce what we are calling Flash Sales. In addition to our standard merchandise we will offer limited edition one time sale items that will highlight the work of local graphic designers and the majority of proceeds for those piece will go directly to the artists.

We will also be throwing/sponsoring private events from in the future and will also participate in night take overs at the local venues in Seattle. The majority of profits from merchandise sales will go to putting on community events such as production workshops, community gathering such as BBQs and jam sessions, as well as sponsorships and music equipment for under privileged kids.


Contact and Demo submissions: [email protected]


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