Seattle: Are You Ready For the PAINT!
The time has come, Life in Color time! Seattle, are you ready to RAGE IN THE PAINT with Flux Pavilion, Chuckie, Mat Zo and Darrius this Saturday at the Tacoma Dome?!?!!?!!!!!! Congratulations to Jame F. who is the lucky winner of the EmeraldCityEDM giveaway of a pair of tickets courtesy of USC Events.
Tickets: Tickets are still available online here, and per USC Events “Tickets will only be available at the door if the event does not sell out in advance“. A limited amount of discounted tickets were available for $55.00 cash at the locations listed here, call ahead to find out if any remain.
Did you enter the Life in Color DJ Competition? The contest is currently live and votes are still being accepted, even though the contest is scheduled to end on May 15th per the official rules. Currently, local favorites Matei and Yup are neck and neck for 1st place. Cast your vote here, and good luck to all who entered!
Event Links & More Information:
Life In Color official website
Facebook event page (USC Events)
Facebook event page (LIC)
Purchase tickets online
Stay up to date on public upcoming electronic dance music events in the Seattle area by following the EmeraldCityEDM Events Calendar!
Official Seattle Trailer:
Official 2012 Seattle recap video: